(13 July 2014)
Mr Sankaranarayanan, Senior Safety Officer, Quality Assurance – Performance, Performance Innovation, Tawam Hospital, UAE, will be speaking about best practices in patient information, drug information, patient education, quality process, risk management and staff competency at the Patient Safety Exhibition & Congress taking place from 16-18 September 2014 at the Dubai International Convention and Exhibition Centre, UAE.
According to Mr Sankaranarayanan, “a ‘no blame’ culture gives room for lack of accountability and what we need here in the UAE is a ‘fair and just culture’ that is coupled with human behaviour. There has to be transparency in error investigation; it needs to look at behavioural patterns such human error/negligence, at -risk- and reckless behaviour. Parallel to that are system failures and human factors that need to be monitored - this is important as errors can be hidden by staff if they perceive retaliation.”